Feather River Action! Partners with Friends of Plumas Animals to Rescue Kitties & Save Wildlife

For several months, Feather River Action! has worked with local residents and Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe to trap, neuter, and return (known as “TNR”) more than a dozen feral cats in and around Portola. Feral, or “community cats,” live lives of survival and suffering, with about 75% dying of disease or predation before reaching maturity. Furthermore, feral cats cause environmental harm, primarily to birds, waterways, and other wildlife. Their presence also attracts larger predators to an area. It is said that two un-neutered cats and their offspring have the potential to produce hundreds of thousands of kittens during their lifetime. This is a lot of easily preventable suffering!
The cats themselves aren’t “bad,” they are just being cats and trying to survive. This is a people problem, and as such it is our responsibility to help them and keep their populations down through active TNR (and occasional relocation when appropriate). Community education as well as support for those caring for the cats must also play a role in addressing this problem and preventing more litters and hence, more suffering and environmental damage.
While doing TNR work, litters of kittens are frequently encountered, and, if young enough, can be socialized and placed into loving homes. To help us in this effort, we recently partnered with Friends of Plumas Animals to socialize and adopt out three litters of kittens born to feral mothers. We now have quite a few cats and kittens available for adoption or placement into foster homes.
These sweet kitties are currently living in a county impacted by wildfire and need good homes urgently. Click on their photos to go to their “adopt-a-pet” profile and submit an adoption application. If you’re not currently interested in adopting, perhaps you can donate to offset our significant out-of-pocket costs to care for these wonderful creatures.
Please spread the word to your animal-loving friends who may want to donate, foster, or adopt.
Do you have feral cats reproducing in your neighborhood? Get in touch with us for assistance, referrals and advice. Contact us for more info.

We Love You, Greenville
We were so very sad to see Greenville and nearby areas destroyed by the Dixie (PG&E) fire this week. Our hearts go out to everyone who loves this community. Read this beautiful eulogy for the town, published at Plumasnews.com which is also a good source for ongoing coverage of the climate chaos hitting Feather River country at the moment. Please do what you can to help fire evacuees and those who have lost, or been displaced from their homes. Find out more here, or just head down to refugee areas in Susanville, Quincy, and Portola and ask what is needed.
We’ll have more to say about this situation but for now we mourn for Greenville. Everyone be safe out there. -FRA!