Woolly Mullein: A Plant that Benefits Humans and Wildlife: Leave it Be!

Woolly Mullein: A Plant that Benefits Humans and Wildlife: Leave it Be!

Originally posted at Plumas News in response to anti-Mullein opinion by Robyn Franks

By Josh Hart
Spokesperson, Feather River Action!

Woolly Mullein is a useful plant that, while not native, adds diversity and beauty to western landscapes. The plant, Verbascum Thapsus, grows up to 2m tall and is native to Europe, North Africa and Asia. Early settlers introduced it to the Americas in the early 1700’s and Native Americans quickly recognized its value in treating respiratory ailments, coughs, colds, and congestion. The plant is even sold as a medicinal tea in many mainstream supermarkets today. The leaves are known as “cowboy toilet paper,” claiming a place in the culture of the west.
Mullein produces up to 240,000 seeds per plant. Seeds have been known to germinate after 140 years. Pulling Mullein will not eliminate the plant, but it may leave soil bare and compacted, and pollinators and birds who depend on these flowers hungry.

Many invasive plant eradication efforts are not based in science but on a kind of “plant xenophobia” that demonizes the foreign and the other. Since Mullein seeds only germinate in open soil (without other plants present) it cannot really be described as “invasive.” In fact Mullein is not even considered enough of a threat to be included in Plumas National Forest’s Invasive Plants of the Plumas National Forest and it is nowhere to be found in California’s Noxious Weed List.

Many types of bees (and other pollinating insects) that we depend on to pollinate our food supply and diverse native flora get nutrition and shelter from Mullein. Some insects depend solely on Mullein for food. The presence of non-native plants in forests—far from competing with natives, has actually been found in many cases to increase pollinator densities—which benefits all plants.

Birds don’t seem to mind that Mullein is not a California native…

Mullein seeds, which persist on the dry stalk throughout the winter and into spring, are eaten by overwintering songbirds.  Chickadees, tanagers, bluebirds, and finches (just to name a few), repeatedly turn to mullein for its abundant seeds and/or the rich insect life that congregates on the plant. Reptiles and amphibians also benefit from this bounty, as well as the shelter the large leaves and resulting microclimate provide.

Mullein also provides valuable services to the forest community. It is often the first plant to occupy disturbed and compacted soil, opening up and de-compacting soil for other plants to follow, as well as providing a “living mulch,” which helps restore the soil structure and retain water.

The problem here is not Mullein, but soil disturbance and compaction caused by overgrazed pastures, heavy equipment, and inappropriate development. This results in sterile, dry, hard-packed soil that is prone to erosion and does not store carbon, absorb water, or host healthy plant communities. The presence of Mullein is often merely an indicator that the ground has been compacted or disturbed and it is in the process of being repaired.

The former coordinator of the Garden Apprentice Program at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden says: “Though a native of Eurasia, Mullein doesn’t deserve the vilification often reflexively bestowed on nonnative plants that have naturalized here. Its preference for disturbed soil, its drought tolerance, and its juicy flowers and feltlike leaves all offer important ecological services for the local environment.”  Clearly, this is no “bad guy!”

The war against so-called invasive species has led to more harm than it has sought to prevent. Tons of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals continue to poison soil, streams and rivers in communities all over the world in the name of eradicating “invasive species. These efforts are harmful to the public but greatly profitable to the chemical industry who is one of the most outspoken advocates of the myth that non-natives must be eradicated in order to return the ecosystem to health. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Two great books that further investigate the misconception that all non-native plants are evil and should be eradicated are: Tao Orion’s “Beyond the War on Invasive Species” and “The New Wild” by Fred Pearce. These can also be requested through the library’s “zip book” program.

Those promoting mullein removal are clearly well-intentioned, yet their message has the potential to do great harm to our local ecology by wrongly demonizing a beneficial plant and disrupting the local ecology. We hope that these facts about Mullein’s importance to both humans and forest ecology will offer a new perspective on this plant that has endured in the west for hundreds of years and is surely here to stay.

Cleaning up the River and Parks of Portola

Thanks to everyone who came out and supported our Portola trash clean up event on June 5th. Check out the pile a dozen people gathered in two hours. “Trash in a bag is worth two in the bush– or the river!” Thx to the City for providing free disposal. Ready for more, Portola?

Stop the Killing: “Wildlife Services” out of Plumas & Sierra Counties

Do you appreciate our region’s rich wildlife? Did you know your county taxes pay for the unnecessary slaughter of wildlife including bears, beaver, and badgers? Feather River Action! is working to raise awareness about Plumas and Sierra County’s contract with USDA Wildlife Services, which is up for renewal soon. We are urging the replacement of this contract with a new non-lethal county based program to assist ranchers and farmers with defensive predator control.

Wildlife Services doesn’t serve wildlife—it causes a huge amount of harm to both wildlife and our local ecology. Between 2015 and 2019, under an annual contract with Plumas County, Wildlife Services killed 890 wild animals including bears, beavers, mountain lions, coyotes and badgers. More were killed in Sierra County. These deaths are unnecessary. Improved, science-based non-lethal predator defense techniques to prevent livestock predation are more humane, effective— and cost-effective in the long run.

Taxpayers in our region spend approximately $70,000/ year on this program (that’s nearly 3/4 million dollars over a decade). Many of us want to see these funds re-directed to 21st century non-lethal predator defensive measures such as improved fencing, guard dogs, and other deterrents that are proven effective without the killing. Ensuring that proper fencing is in place and that livestock are properly guarded is like insulating your home rather than paying to heat a drafty house. It just makes sense.

Wildlife is not an annoyance— they are part of our community and were here first. Supporting ecological diversity supports the health of the forest and the larger ecosystem, critical for human health and well-being.

Many visitors to our area come to see the abundant wildlife, and this boosts local economies. Continuing the unnecessary slaughter of wildlife at taxpayer expense is not consistent with the values of most people living in this area, who appreciate and want to co-exist with wildlife. 

Predation is a natural result of running livestock operations in wild areas. Predation will likely never be eliminated, but can be managed with modern non-lethal methods. We propose a collaborative process to design a new county based program for Plumas and Sierra Counties to replace the Wildlife Services contract with a locally-run non-lethal program. The most effective techniques to deter predators would be identified. In other counties that have severed their Wildlife Services contract, funding is provided to farmers who wish to improve their predator defenses. Those participating in the program could receive compensation for livestock who are killed. In many cases the number of livestock killed decreases significantly after robust fences are installed or guard dogs are placed.

Courts have found that renewing a Wildlife Services contract requires a California Environmental Quality Act review. Without this review, the existing program is not lawful and may cause significant harm to the environment. Specifically, wolves who have spread into our area may be inadvertently killed by this program. In 2017, a protected wolf was killed in Oregon by a cyanide bomb placed by Wildlife Services. Also in 2017 in Idaho, a boy was seriously injured and his dog was killed on a walk 350 ft. from their home by a Wildlife Services placed “cyanide bomb.” Though these devices have been banned in California, Wildlife Services continue to use them elsewhere in the country. Wildlife Services activities are cruel, reckless, and above all unnecessary. It’s time to stop paying the feds to come in and cause harm in our region. We have many other pressing priorities for our limited county funds.

Our proposal would not prevent ranchers themselves killing predators consistent with state and federal law. However it would discontinue the practice of using public county funds to kill wildlife on behalf of ranchers and others. We support local farming and our farming families- we just don’t want to see wildlife harmed as a result of these operations.

We would be happy to meet or speak with anyone who has any thoughts about this proposal that would protect both wildlife and agriculture. We urge people in Plumas and Sierra counties to contact the two boards of supervisors and let them know it is time to stop the killing at taxpayer’s expense. Plumas Board can be e-mailed at: public@countyofplumas.com Sierra County Board can be contacted at: hfoster@sierracounty.ca.gov

Credit: Monica Quinones, Quincy