Update May 7th, 2021- Great News! The Portola mine plan is DEAD. Hat Creek has dropped their plan to open a mine close to Portola and a community group has purchased the land. For more info, click here.
Feather River Action! is strongly opposed to the Portola Aggregates plan submitted by Hat Creek Construction of Burney, CA, proposed near the headwaters of the Middle Fork of the Feather River in Portola, CA.
If approved, the mining plan would result in:
- At least 50,000 gallons of water per day being extracted from the aquifer, and Portola drinking water well contamination
- 700 round-trip semi-trucks per day through Portola
- Uncomfortable noise levels for miles around both day and night under the proposed operational hours (6 days/week 12 hours per day; and 60 days with 24 hour operation
- Severe air pollution from the dust of the rock extraction, blasting, grinding and truck transportation
- Light pollution from industrial scale security lighting
- The likelihood of chemical contamination of the waters of the Feather River which host all sorts of birds, fish, aquatic mammals, insects and other life. Oil, tar, chemicals
- Reduced property values throughout Eastern Plumas County
To learn more about the project, please visit the local residents campaign against the mine at SaveEasternPlumas.com
Want to get involved to stop other projects like this in our area ? Contact us for more information.