Your Voice is Needed Now to Speak Up for Plumas and Sierra County Wildlife- Mark Your Calendar for Tuesday September 21st 10am at the Plumas County Board of Supervisors. (see details below)
Plumas and Sierra Counties together spent approximately $750,000 of your tax money over the last decade to kill more than 4250 animals, through a contract with USDA Wildlife Services. It’s time to put this antiquated and cruel program out of its misery.
Non-lethal predation prevention programs like funding for fencing and guard dogs— which ranchers want and need— can reduce conflicts and make livestock less appealing to predators than wild prey. Predators will always find a way, and when targeted (as in war) by men with guns, traps and poisons, their behavior becomes unpredictable, which leads to more conflict, then more killing, and the cycle continues.
Stop the cycle! Speak out for Plumas/ Sierra Wildlife!

A presentation by Feather River Action! was made at the Aug. 10th Plumas board meeting and also at the Aug. 17th Sierra County Board meeting outlining the problems with Wildlife Services, describing a proposed non-lethal predator control program and how renewing a Wildlife Services killing contract in Plumas and Sierra Counties would be a violation of the CA Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Our attorney Jessica Blome from GreenFire Law spoke on the topic at the Sierra County meeting along with Michelle Lute, National Carnivore Conservation Manager for Project Coyote.
Plumas County supervisors will decide whether to continue the killing this Tuesday September 21st 10am. It is item 8) E) 4) on the agenda (Wildlife Services, budget and proposed amendment to contract; discussion and possible direction and/or action)
Plumas County Board Listening/ Speaking Instructions: Speak out in support during public comment, in person, by internet or by phone at: 1-669-900-9128; Meeting ID: 948 7586 7850. Passcode: 261352 (Press *6 to mute and unmute your phone and *9 to raise your hand!)
Learn more about just how cruel Wildlife Services’ use of guns, snares, traps and poisons can be and why we need them out of Feather River Country.
Read the new article on the new Beckwourth Wolfpack in the Sierra Nevada Ally. Protecting this new pack means kicking USDA Wildlife Services out of Plumas and Sierra Counties!

Please plan to speak out at the meeting, and make sure to send a brief e-mail to both Plumas and Sierra Counties asking for an end to USDA Wildlife Services in our counties and supporting a new, locally based non-lethal predator control program: and Do it now.