Tell Caltrans and Hat Creek We Don’t Want Their Asphalt Plant on the River!
We visited the proposed site of the asphalt plant on Sunday May 14th and took these photos. We observed an impacted area closer to the railroad and rich, healthy habitat in the area along the river, including frogs, nesting birds, and pollinating insects. The text screenshots below were lifted directly from the environmental document for the planned asphalt plant in Delleker. As you can see, professionals make a (rather good) living lying to the public about impacts. We refuse to be gaslit with misleading information when our own eyes clearly show the opposite. No asphalt plant on the river! Write to and tell her we will not allow this and why. Get all your friends to do the same.
The photos below were taken by Feather River Action! on Sunday May 14th.
This environmental hazard can be easily avoided by simply moving the operation 30 miles east of Portola.