If you haven’t been down to the Portola Riverwalk park recently, there have been some big changes. Regulars we spoke to on the Riverwalk were surprised at the scale of the clearing — done during fire season as the Dixie fire threatened. However, in general people seem excited to see a disc golf course at the Riverwalk and there is new interest in an organized ecological restoration effort in the park.

Have you been down to the Riverwalk recently? What are your thoughts? How do you see the future of this large public park and open space in the middle of Portola? Trails? Garden allotments? Butterfly gardens? New bike/ ped bridge across the Feather River? There is a lot of potential.

We are hopeful the city of Portola will schedule a public meeting to discuss restoration efforts, a shared vision for the future of the park and accommodate multiple uses of the land. To volunteer with habitat restoration and trail building in the park, contact Tim Rhode.

Hey Josh thanks for the productive meeting today. We share your love for the beautiful Feather River and we look forward to working with you going forward.